18 August ’24

Dear T —

August 10th, in the morning, I sat at a traffic light.

I don’t know how many times it changed.

Finally someone honked.


I have learned just three valuable things in life.

I will tell you the most important one in this letter.

A quote in a shop window reminded me.

(I always planned to tell you. Now seems good.)

Everyone gives new parents advice.

(They need it.)

Most live each moment terrified of

—doing something that will harm their child’s life

—not doing something that will help their child’s life

A teacher then told me this

—One percent of what you do might harm them and one percent of what you do might help them but the other ninety-eight percent won’t do either. You will just be together. Enjoy each other.

For me, this changed everything.

It freed me.

It enabled joy.

(It applies to adults too.

It applies to all relationships.)

OK, now I’ve told you.


The quote I saw was

—It is not necessary to teach others, to cure them or to improve them; it is only necessary to live among them, sharing the human condition and being present to them in love.


Tons to share but all can wait.

— All my love, D

(it regenerates)

P.S. Hey, don’t worry. No one will treat your heart more gently.